Bachelor of Craft Textile and Fashion Telkom University

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Head of Program's Greeting

"Bachelor of Textile and Fashion Crafts Program, is one of the flagship programs in the Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University, and has produced graduates who excel as practitioners, academics, and reliable entrepreneurs in the field of textile and fashion crafts. The implementation of Tri Dharma activities in the Textile and Fashion Crafts Undergraduate Program is designed to produce graduates who have the ability in innovative fashion and textile design, based on the development of ICT and Indonesian culture."

Mochammad Sigit Ramadhan, S.Pd., M.Sn

Head Bachelor Of Craft Textile And Fashion Program

Video Profile of Textile Crafts & Fashion

Supported by a teaching staff, the majority of whom are practitioners in the field of product design and creative industries, providing students with direct industry experience.

Latest News

Information of Textile Crafts & Fashion Program

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tidak jarang ditemui seseorang dengan kekurangan dalam hal fisik, mental, psikologi dan lainnya yang umumnya di istilahkan dengan difabel …

Pengabdian Masyarakat Program Studi Kriya bekerjasama dengan Unit Pelaksana Teknik Dinas (UPTD) Pusat Pelayanan Sosial Griya Harapan Difabel (PPSGHD) merupakan unit pelaksana …

Program Studi Kriya Tekstil dan Mode, berkolaborasi dengan brand Kamaku, melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat bertajuk “Pelatihan Keterampilan Teknik Shibori dengan Masyarakat Sasar …

Latest Events

Latest Events of Textile Crafts & Fashion Program

26 September 2023
12:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Fakultas Industri Kreatif, Gedung Bangkit Telkom University Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu Indonesia 40257, Bandung, Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia
19 September 2023
September 19, 2023 - September 20, 2023
Fakultas Industri Kreatif, Gedung Bangkit Telkom University Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu Indonesia 40257, Bandung, Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia
09 January 2023
9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Fakultas Industri Kreatif, Gedung Bangkit Telkom University Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu Indonesia 40257, Bandung, Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia

Flagship Program


The internal MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) program consists of certified internships, industry internships (MBKM Internship), internships as researchers (MBKM Researchship), MBKM Event Management, thematic cultural community service (KKN Tematik Budaya), and others. The MBKM program can be undertaken from the 7th semester to the 8th semester under the guidance of a supervising lecturer.


The external MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) program comprises Campus Teaching, Certified Internship and Independent Study (MSIB), Merdeka Student Exchange, Merdeka Entrepreneurship, IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards), Practitioner Teaching, Bangk!t by Goto, Google, and Traveloka, and Gerilya (Gerakan Inisiatif Listrik Tenaga Surya).

OBE ( Outcome Base Education)

A learning system based on OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION that emphasizes students' abilities after completing a course. It provides learning activities and assessments that assist students in achieving the expected learning outcomes. There are no mid-term exams and final exams; however, instructors conduct periodic assessments throughout the semester (assignments, quizzes, etc.).


Swastamita is an annual event that takes the form of an exhibition of works and an annual fashion show featuring a collection of works by students of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Textile Crafts. This event is also part of the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) initiative.


Competency certification in the field of Fashion Design with a qualification as a Stylist-Based Fashion Designer by the Certification Institute for Fashion (LSP Mode), recognized by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) of the Republic of Indonesia.


The Fast Track Program is an admission process for Master's students with an educational program scheme conducted simultaneously with the undergraduate level, allowing the total duration of both educational levels to be completed in a minimum of 10 (ten) semesters.

Achievement Gallery

Welcome to our achievement gallery! It showcases the dedication of students and faculty that serves as inspiration
Keep carving out achievements together!

Collaboration Partners of the Program Study

We establish partnerships with various institutions and industries to support the development of the curriculum and learning experiences.

Alumni Testimonial

Find inspiration from the success stories of our outstanding students here.

"Semua berasal dari pikiran, nggak ada yang lebih kuat dari mereka yang percaya bahwa mereka bisa."

Raudhatu Salimah Putri News Anchor of VOA Indonesia at PALTV

"Selama berkuliah di FIK saya menerima banyak pelajaran dan banyak pengalaman yang memperluas wawasan, bukan hanya dari materi perkuliahan namun dari ditambah dari pengalaman kerjasama dengan teman maupun dosen."

Rachmah Firstriani