Morinta Rosandini., S.Ds., M.Ds.
14860089 / 0424118604
[email protected]


S1 – Prodi Kriya Seni FSRD Institut Teknologi Bandung (2005-2009)
S2 – Program Magister Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung (2010-2012)


2014 – Study of Bima Tembe an Its Relation to Belief System In Bima
2016 – Analisis dan Perancangan Karakter Bentuk Motif dan Tekstur Lembaran Tenun Inkle-loom dengan Menggunakan Card-loom
2017 – Pemanfaatan Jaringan Pengangkut Batang Pisang sebagai Serat Tekstil


2015 – Pengenalan Keterampilan Teknik Ikat Celup dan Daur Ulang Kertas Bekas Sebagai Upaya untuk Mengembangkan Kreativitas Masyarakat Tertinggal di Kawasan Urban (Masyarakat Sasaran: Siswa-Siswi Sekolah Kita Rumpin di Kampung Cibitung, Kec. Rumpin, Kab. Bogor, Jawa Barat)


2013 – Perancangan Adventure Game Tenun Geringsing untuk Remaja / Jurnal Seni Rupa dan Desain (STISI Telkom) / Vol. 6 No. 1/ September-Desember 2013
2016 – Developing Batik Cimahi By Re-Designing Color And Batik Motif Of Traditional Village Cireundeu, Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia / International E-Journal of Afvances in Social Sciences (IJASOS) / Vol. 2 No. 5, Ausguts 2016 e-ISSN : 2411-183X


2015 – Harmony / On-Materiality, A final exhibition for Telkom Univeristy Darmasiswa Students collaborate with Lecturers / Telkom University Creative Center
2016 – Sabana Tambora / Collective Juncture, A final exhibition for Telkom Univeristy Darmasiswa Students collaborate with Lecturers / Telkom University Creative Center
2016 – Savana Abirupa / UNDAGI, An National Craft Exhibition / ISI Yogyakarta
2016 – Harmony-2 / INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE COSTUME AND CONGRES AND EXHIBITION, An International Conference and Exhibition / Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea


2011 – Natural Dyes on Indoensian Traditional Textiles. A Case Study : Geringsing Woven Fabric, in Tenganan Pegeringsingan Village Bali / International Textile and Costume Congress (ITCC) / ITB Bandung
2014 – Study of Bima Tembe an Its Relation to Belief System In Bima / International Conference Emerging Trends in Traditional and Technical Textiles / NIT India
2015 – Exploration of Melimar Technique on South Sumatra Woven Fabric / Bandung Creative Movement / Telkom University Bandung
2016 – Storytelling, dancing, and drama roleplaying as efforts to build local culture awareness for elementary school children at Labuan Kananga village, Kecamatan Tambora, Kabupaten Bima, East West Nusa / Seminar Antar Bangsa / Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang
2016 – Inkle-Weaving Technique: An Explorative Study / Bandung Creative Movement Conference / Telkom University Bandung
2017 – Cultural Transformation of Rimpu : Review on Design and Aesthetic / Asia-Pacific Conference on Social Sciences and Management (APSSSM) / Higher Education Forum, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 – Banana Stems Utilization As A Natural Fiber / International Textile and Costume Congress (ITCC) / ITB Bandung