Faradillah Nursari, B.Des., M.Ds.
15880043 / 0409078801
[email protected]


S1 – Fashion Design Raffles School of Design and Commerce (2007-2009)
S2 – Program Magister Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung (2011-2014)


2012-2014 – Pengaruh Tampilan Visual Produk Intimate Apparel Bra Terhadap Persepsi Konsumen Wanita di Indonesia
2016-2017 – Penerapan Konsep Zero Waste Dengan Teknik Pattern Cutting. Studi Kasus: Baju Kurung Melayu
2017-2018 – Eksplorasi Teknik Produksi Busana Kebaya dengan Konsep Zero Waste Fashion Design


2014 – Tampilan Visual Produk Intimate Aparrel: Pengaruhnya Terhadap Persepsi Konsumen Wanita di Kota Bandung / Jurnal Seni Rupa dan Desain / Vol 7 No 3 Januari-Juli 2014
2015 – On Users Experience and Knowledge: Understanding Female Consumers Intimate Apparel Product Preference /  BCM 2015 – Strive to Improve Design Creativity In The Era of Competitive Industry / 2nd International Conference On Creative Industries September 8 – 10 2015
2015 – Potensi Penerapan Konsep Zero Waste pada Busana Tradisional. Studi Kasus: Kimono. / Jurnal Rupa Vol.2 No.1 2015


2015 – On Users Experience and Knowledge: Understanding Female Consumers Intimate Apparel Product Preference / 2nd International Conference On Creative Industries / Bandung 8-10 September 2015