Bachelor of Craft Textile and Fashion Telkom University



Community Service Internal Collaboration with Education Startup partner “Familia Kreativa”

Community Service Internal Collaboration with Education Startup partner "Familia Kreativa." Strategies to Improve Consumer Services for Familia Kreativa Education Startups During a Pandemic In the Form of Creative Learning Media Design, Data Analytics-Based Business Strategy Development, and Website Optimization with Global E-Commerce Features Education is one of the sectors most affected during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially early and primary childhood education. At the pandemic's beginning, thousands of PAUD and Elementary Schools were temporarily closed, and students and teachers were 'forced' to carry out the online teaching and learning process. Many schools are not ready to adapt to the transition to online learning methods, causing school programs to become ineffective. The task of teaching shifts to parents; parents become school teachers for their children at home. Millennial parents, who are more proficient in the use of technology, are looking for other alternatives to help their child's learning process at home. Non-formal education institutions are the choice that many parents take. Education startup Familia Kreativa is one of the communities and a brand that parents are interested in. Considering Familia Kreativa has been one of the homeschooling activists for a long time. However, Familia Kreativa has limited human resources and knowledge in developing media and teaching platforms with the increasing number of consumers, even in foreign countries. To improve services to consumers and support Familia Kreativa learning facilities, it is necessary to develop teaching media, appropriate business strategies, and websites that can accommodate the needs of domestic and foreign consumers. Especially in adapting to the current pandemic conditions. In general, the solutions and stages of service activities are divided into three stages, namely: (1) Team 1: Designing craft and creativity-based creative teaching media; (2) Team 2: Development of business strategy based on data analytics; (3) Website development with global e-commerce features The outputs of this community service are: (1) The creation of creative teaching media that can be used to support the learning of children aged 3-9 years with an open-ended concept, namely the "Amazing Tie Dye" craft kit by offering three different barrier techniques and with different colors. Different ones. Tim 2 melakukan analisis data terhadap data aktivitas akun Instagram Startup Pendidikan Familia Kreativa. Analisis dilakukan: Terhadap profil akun Instagram Startup Pendidikan Familia Kreativa Terhadap rata-rata keterkaitan (engagement) berdasarkan horizon waktu Terhadap waktu posting dan reaksi pengikut terhadap aktivitas akun tersebut Serta analisis tambahan berupa jenis media yang dipublikasikan, tags and mentions, serta hastags yang digunakan. Berdasarkan analisis data yang dilakukan, maka tim memberikan rekomendasi strategi bisnis untuk Startup Pendidikan Familia Kreativa, khususnya yang terkait dengan optamilisasi akun media sosial Instagram, yaitu: Akun @familiakreativa memiliki tingkat keterlibatan yang sedikit di bawah rata-rata jika dibandingkan dengan akun dengan segmen serupa. Jumlah konten yang lebih interaktif dapat meningkatkan tingkat keterlibatan Waktu posting perlu diperhatikan dengan memperhatikan waktu aktivitas followers. Rekomendasi: posting pada jam mendekati waktu istirahat dan di akhir pekan Penggunaan hashtag terkait kegiatan, baik bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa asing, perlu dipertahankan Perlu mempertimbangkan untuk melengkapi deskripsi bio dengan kegiatan inti bisnis. Tim 3 melakukan pembangunan website ecommerce pada  Startup Pendidikan Anak Familia Kreativa. Hasil dari pembangunan website e commerce adalah sebagai berikut. Terima kasih kepada: Familia Kreativa Tim pelaksana: Widia Nur Utami B., S.Ds., M.Ds. Morinta Rosandini, S.Ds., M.Ds. Yanuar Rahman, S.Ds., M.Ds. Hardian Kokoh Pambudi, S.T., M.T., MBA. Dr. Femi Yulianti, S.Si., M.T. CPLM Dr. Iphov Kumala Sriwana, ST., M.Si., IPM Yahdi Siradj, S.T., M.T. Rikman Aherliwan Rudawan, S.T., M.Kom Ismail, S.Si., M.T. Vathya Dzannurazkia Aprillia Indah Permatasari