Bachelor of Craft Textile and Fashion Telkom University



Announcement of 2022 Partner Student Scholarship Winners

Announcement of 2022 Partner Student Scholarship Winners In 2022, the Student Partner Scholarship selection program is again carried out in full online, starting from registration, selection to the announcement stage of scholarship winners. The 2022 Partner Student Scholarship Program is the 7th time the FIK Telkom University Craft Study Program annual agenda is being held. This program was initiated independently by lecturers at the Craft Study Program with the aim of motivating final year students to work optimally by providing financial assistance that can be used for research purposes and the production of Final Project works . With an open call format for all final year 2022 students, 8 registrants were obtained who then entered the first stage of administrative selection. After passing the administrative selection stage in the form of academic achievement records and portfolios, the eight participants entered the next stage, namely an interview with the Craft Study Program represented by Mrs. Morinda Rosandini, Mrs. Widia Nur Utami and Mr. M. Sigit Ramadhan. At the interview stage, the lecturer team got to know more about personal and family conditions, and asked several questions about attitudes, vision and commitment, academic potential, as well as empathy and activities of the participants. Until finally, after going through the final discussion process, this year two names were obtained that met the criteria that had been formulated by the Crafts Study Program lecturer team. Congratulations to Qelmille Dewi Amanah Balqis and Tri Yuri Sakinah Aprilita who won the 2022 Student Partner Scholarship in the form of a Final Project development fund of Rp. 3.500.000,-. Qelmille or who is often called Iqel is the second of three children who have academic achievements with a GPA of 3.9 until the 8th semester. Iqel, who is quite active in student activities such as HIMAMIRA and Senior Residents, last year also received the Fashion profession certification.Designer and Fashion Stylist from BNSP with the organizer LSP Fashion Indonesia. Currently, Iqel is carrying out his Final Project with a focus on utilizing waste from the production of Rajapolah pandanus woven from Tasikmalaya. Meanwhile, Yuri, who is the third of four children from Palembang, has made achievements since he was in school and has represented Indonesia as a delegate at the 2017 Asian Youth International Model United Nations Kuala Lumpur to showcase Palembang culture. Last year Yuri was trusted to be the designer of Batik Siger in the ISEF 2021 fashion show. Currently Yuri is carrying out his Final Project with a focus on developing Palembang culture which is applied to modern children’s clothing. Iqel and Yuri will have the opportunity to develop themselves and train their soft skills through an internship program in Study Program for approximately six months. Hopefully in the following years this Partner Student Scholarship Program can provide more benefits for Telkom University Craft Study Program students. – MGR